Thursday, September 30, 2010

Lowbrow and Highbrow Art

DETROIT 1-8-7:
A mix between reality TV and a scripted drama, Detroit 1-8-7 takes the everyday boring parts of most televised cop shows and attempts to make them interesting and suspenseful. Think of Cold Case, but with reality camera work and shoddy acting. I remember in one scene, the "writers" attempted to create sexual tension between two of the characters but it came off as awkward and unrealistic. I did see a few camera shots that were interesting, but i was usually distracted from the plot by the overwhelming amount of lens flares. In one scene, a cop even addressed the camera operator which shattered my very skeptical grasp on the created reality of the show.

I have heard through the rumor mill that this show is actually filmed on the streets of Detroit (not a sudo location made to look like Detroit, which happens with other shows), and that it is seriously scary to be filming there. Only rumor though.

I will say that my reaction to the show was that it was mediocre. It didn't like it, but I didn't hate it either. I was so indifferent it was like it wasn't even there. I won't be watching another episode anytime soon.

On a lighter note, I want to thank my friend David. He invited me with him to the opening of Chaos and Classicism: Art in France, Italy, and Germany, 1918–1936 at the Guggenheim Museum tonight. It was seriously amazing. The space it was in, as well as the works that were there, was impressive. I would check it out if you get a chance. It will be there until January 9 of next year. According to the web, the Guggenheim is offering reduced tickets right now.

Not much else to report. It was a slow TV night because of the exhibit. I did catch the season premier of House, and the premier of Bones this past week. House was not what I expected. It was almost quiet and uninteresting considering what the normal episode format is like. Bones was a bit better, but it still wasn't the splashy premier I expected. Although, I must admit that Sweets' goatee does suit him. He looks like an entirely different person.

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